The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain

Venue: Arab World Books Online

Date: May 27, 2023

This presentation and discussion of Thomas Armstrong’s book The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain  took place on Saturday, May 27, 2023. You may watch it here:

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “autism spectrum disorder?” Or “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?” Or “mental illness?”   In his book, “The Power of Neurodiversity,” Thomas Armstrong presents the positive side of conditions typically considered only in pathological terms and offers ways of helping people reach their potential.

The discussion and a presentation on the book will be made by Maha El Kholy and Jennifer O’Neal. Maha and Jennifer are co-founders of Pearls Learning Center, which provides counseling and guidance to people with learning differences and their families.

Maha is an Egyptian teacher who holds a Masters Degree in Education and is working on a Masters Degree in Psychology. Over the past fourteen years she has worked with diverse groups of children with different educational needs.

Jennifer O’Neal is an American educator with Masters Degrees in Special Educational Needs and Cultural Anthropology. For the past thirty years, she has worked with a wide variety of neurodiverse people. She is also the parent of a daughter with learning differences. Jennifer is married to an Egyptian and has lived in Cairo for eleven years.

For more information on the book and further reading go to The Power of Neurodiversity

الرسائل التي وردت على الشات أثناء الندوة:
20:17:01 From أحمد مصطفى علي : لقاء شيق، شكرا جزيلا
20:21:39 From Amani Amin : شكرا على حسن استماعكم
هذه الحلقة مسجلة تستطيعون مشاهدتها لاحقا هي وكل حلقاتنا السابقة على هذا الرابط على اليوتيوب
20:22:59 From Amani Amin : معلومات اكثر عن كتاب اليوم
20:28:05 From أحمد مصطفى علي : خلال اللقاء تم تناول، كيفية تكييف العقل متزامنا مع كيفية تغيير البيئة.
وتغيير البيئة أمر معقد وصعب.
هل الذكاء الاصطناعي يمكن أن يمثل حل إيجابي ام سلبي؟
20:29:42 From Amani Amin :
pearls center
20:35:00 From Hoda Abouzeid : شكرا لهذه المعلومة الجميلة والمفيدة عن اختلاف مخ المرأة ??
20:35:49 From Rania fathy : Reacted to "شكرا لهذه المعلومة ا..." with ❤️
20:35:56 From Hoda Abouzeid : Reacted to "شكرا لهذه المعلومة ا..." with ❤️
20:35:57 From Hoda Abouzeid : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "شكرا لهذه المعلومة ا..."