Deciphering Human Behavior

Venue: Online via Zoom

Date: August 21, 2021

You may now watch the full video of this webinar here:

Join us for a special discussion of Robert Sapolsky's book Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst on Saturday August 21 at 7:00 PM Cairo time.

Why do people act the way they do? Where are the roots of good and evil? To answer these questions, the Stanford University professor draws from the latest scientific knowledge in many fields.

The discussion will be conducted in Arabic and a presentation on the book will be made by Nahla Hanno.

Visit the book's page here.
Visit Nahla Hanno's page here.

Press here to register for the discussion.
You must write Zoom in your message and enter full name and email to receive the meeting invitation.

Chat messages received during Robert Sapolsky's Deciphering Human Behavior:
20:00:46 From Khadiga Hafez to Everyone:
Thank you very much, that was quite informative and interesting.
20:01:06 From Amira Abou-Taleb to Everyone:
عرض رائع يا نهلة، أشكرك
20:01:43 From Mai Edris to Everyone:
شكرا د نهلة علي التركيز والتحديد
20:02:20 From Amr Madian to Everyone:
عرض هايل د. نهلة.. شكرا لحضرتك
20:16:05 From mahmoud khaled to Everyone:
in criminal psychology factors affect violence: physical, social and psychological
20:25:35 From mahmoud khaled to Everyone:
العقاد: وما اختيارك الا ما خلقت له
20:26:29 From Tyseer Aboulnasr to Everyone:
thanks a lot!
20:36:14 From iPhone to Everyone:
ممكن لينك الكتاب pdf يا نهلة لو متاح؟
20:37:05 From Nahla Hanno to Everyone:
حاضر هبعتهولك على الWhatsapp
20:37:33 From Attia, Amani to Everyone:
Thank you for a wonderful presentation and discussion
20:41:21 From Amani Amin to Everyone:
الاصدقاء الاعزاء
سوف يرفع الفيديو خلال ايام على القناة

تستطيع الاشتراك في القناة هنا ليصلك اخطار فور اضافة اي فيديو

كما يضاف الفيديو الخاص بكل فعالية في صفحة الفعالية فبالنسبة لكتاب سابولسكي سوف يضاف الى هذه الصفحة بعد اضافته على القناة
20:41:35 From Amira Abou-Taleb to Everyone:
ممكن تنويه عن اللقاء القادم، الميعاد و الموضوع
20:43:01 From Amani Amin to Everyone:
لو حضرتك مش بتيجي لك نشرة الموقع الشهرية رجاء ارسال ايميلك على
20:43:36 From Amira Abou-Taleb to Everyone: