Book discussion:Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 's Half of a Yellow Sun

Venue: Arab World Books Online

Date: September 28, 2024

Join us for a discussion of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 's Half of a Yellow Sun via zoom on Saturday 28 September, 2024 at 7 p.m.Cairo time.

Half of a Yellow Sun recreates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra’s impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in Nigeria and the chilling violence that followed. Published in 2006, Half of A Yellow Sun garnered numerous accolades and was awarded the Orange Prize for Fiction in 2007.

The Arabic version of this book is translated by Fatma Naoot and published by General Egyptian Book Organization 2009 and Dar Almada 2020.

The discussion will be conducted in Arabic and moderated by Egyptian novelist Mohamed Tawfik.

Register here for the discussion. Write Zoom in your message and enter name and email to receive the meeting invitation.

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