
"الفصل الاول من رواية "طفل شقي اسمه عنتر
"الفصل الاول من رواية "طفل شقي اسمه عنتر
من رواية محمد توفيق
By: Mohamed Tawfik on: Thursday 1 January 2004 - Genre: Stories

  الصفحة الأولى في يوم من الأيام ، راح اكتب قصيدة ، عن السما، عن وردة على رأس نهد ، عن قطتي، عن الكمنجة الشريدة ، عن نخلتين فوق في العلالي السعيدة . عن عيش بيتـفتـفت في أوده بعيدة ، عن مروح...

ستيفن هوكنج
ستيفن هوكنج
By: Editor on: Monday 1 December 2003 - Genre: Science

ستيفين هوكنج (ولد 1942) ولد ستيفن هوكنج (Stephen Hawking) في اكسفورد في المملكة المتحدة أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية وكان والداه يعيشان في لندن، غير أن اتفاقا كان قد ابرم بين ألمانيا النازية وبريطا...

From Conversation with a Stonemason by D H Melhem
By: D. H. Melhem on: Saturday 25 October 2003 - Genre: Poetry

  NIAGARA FALLS, AFTER GROUND ZERO Thundering past green islands a hundred fifty feet into the gorge, river runs over hard dolomite limestone and layers of dolomite and shale, runs as it ha...

From Conversation with a Stonemason by D H Melhem
By: D. H. Melhem on: Saturday 25 October 2003 - Genre: Poetry

  JAPANESE MAPLE BEFORE WINTER Bleeds its leaves in a circle. Four iron fan chairs backs turned attend a round slate table. Grass rake claws the stain. Minutes (or years) fall meas...

Time travellers
Time travellers
Ibrahim Fathi reviews Salwa Bakr's novel Bashmouri
By: Ibrahim Fathi on: Wednesday 1 October 2003 - Genre: Book Reviews

Ahram Weekly April 1999 Al-Bashmouri , Salwa Bakr Reviewed by Ibrahim Fathi     Salwa Bakr's latest novel raised a considerable controversy on its appearance, attacked by some of i...

Sufi Poetry
Sufi Poetry
By: Editor on: Monday 1 September 2003 - Genre: Poetry

"The very essence of Sufism is poetry, and the Eastern Mystics are never tired of expatiating on the 'Ishq or "love to God," which is the one distinguishing features of Sufi mystici...

A Conversation from the Third Floor
A Conversation from the Third Floor
short story by Mohamed Al Bisatie
By: Mohamed Elbisatie on: Friday 1 August 2003 - Genre: Stories

She came to the place for the second time. The policeman stared down at her from his horse. The time was afternoon. The yellow-coloured wall was stretched right along the road. Inside the wall was...

محمد البساطي في رواية فردوس: ترف المخيلة ووعي الكتابة
محمد البساطي في رواية فردوس: ترف المخيلة ووعي الكتابة
By: Editor on: Friday 1 August 2003 - Genre: Book Reviews

عرض فاطمة المحسن جريدة الرياض3 ابريل 2003 يعاود محمد البساطي في روايته الجديدة (فردوس) العمل علي شخصية المرأة المكتملة الجمال، المصنوعة من مادة التأملات الحسية والروحية، وكان قد بدأها في (ليال أخرى...

The Ibn Rushd (Averroes) page
The Ibn Rushd (Averroes) page
Averroes 1125 - 1198
By: Editor on: Tuesday 1 July 2003 - Genre: Biography

Averroes (1126-1198) Ibn Rushd (Averroes) is regarded by many as the foremost Islamic philosopher. Abu'l-Walid Ibn Rushd, better known as Averroes (1126-1198), stands out as a towering fig...

Averroes - The Great Muslim Philosopher
Averroes - The Great Muslim Philosopher
By: Habeeb Salloum on: Tuesday 1 July 2003 - Genre: Philosophy and Religion

Abû al-Walîd Muhammad Ibn Rushd, better known in the West as Averroës, but also in medieval times as Avén Ruiz and Averrhoes, was born in 1126 A.D. in Cordova, once the illus...