Quest of Reality

Publisher: Virtual book worm
Year: 2013

 The author describes his work as a personal statement, giving his personal account of wrestling with the questions that have puzzled all thinking humans from the beginning. This personal account is not offered for acceptance, but as incitement and a challenge to help the reader puzzle on, for it is in this ferment of puzzling over the mysteries of life and reality that we live as thinking human beings. In form, the book traces the human quest for Reality from the first gropings of primitive humans through the speculations of modern philosophers to the author's own confessedly personal vision. In this book, the author highlights two original features of his philosophy, radically opposed to common acceptations: (1) the oracular nature of philosophy and, in consequence, the essentially mythical character of philosophical expression; (2)the principle of creativity as an original dimension of reality which alone renders free will possible and renders becoming intelligible. The book presents a system of philosophy in the grand manner that has been out of fashion for nearly a century but that D.R. Khashaba believes is the only genuine form of philosophy worth the name.