On Photography
The Arabic edition of this book translated by Dr. Afaf Abdelmoaty was our book of the month in August 2010.
On Photography is a 1977 collection of essays by Susan Sontag. It originally appeared as a series of essays in the New York Review of Books between 1973 and 1977. In the book, Sontag expresses her views on the history and present-day role of photography in capitalist societies as of the 1970s. Sontag discusses many examples of modern photography. Among these, she contrasts Diane Arbus's work with that of Depression-era documentary photography commissioned by the Farm Security Administration. She also explores the history of American photography in relation to the idealistic notions of America put forth by Walt Whitman and traces these ideas through to the increasingly cynical aesthetic notions of the 1970s, particularly in relation to Arbus and Andy Warhol. Sontag argues that the proliferation of photographic images had begun to establish within people a "chronic voyeuristic relation"[1] to the world around them. Among the consequences of photography is that the meaning of all events is leveled and made equal. This idea did not originate with Sontag, who often synthesized European cultural thinkers with her particular eye toward America. As she argues, perhaps originally with regard to photography, the medium fostered an attitude of anti-intervention. Sontag says that the individual who seeks to record cannot intervene, and that the person who intervenes cannot then faithfully record, for the two aims contradict each other. In this context, she discusses in some depth, the relationship of photography to politics. On Photography won the National Book Critics' Circle Award for 1977 and was selected among the top 20 books of 1977 by the editors of the New Times Book Review. In 1977, William H. Gass, writing in the New York Times, said the book "shall surely stand near the beginning of all our thoughts upon the subject" of photography. [1] In a 1998 appraisal of the work, Michael Starenko, wrote in Afterimage magazine that "On Photography has become so deeply absorbed into this discourse that Sontag's claims about photography, as well as her mode of argument, have become part of the rhetorical 'tool kit' that photography theorists and critics carry around in their heads." [2] Sontag's work is literary and polemical rather than academic. It includes no bibliography, and few notes. There is little sustained analysis of the work of any particular photographer and is not in any sense a research project as often written by Ph.D students. Many of the lesser reviews from the world of art photography that followed On Photography at the time of its publication were skeptical and often hostile, such as those of Colin L. Westerbeck and Michael Lesey. In 2004 Sontag published a partial refutation of the opinions she espoused in On Photography in her 1994 collection of essays Regarding the Pain of Others. This book may be deemed as a postscript or addition to On Photography. Sontag's publishing history includes a similar sequence with regard to her work Illness as Metaphor from the 1970s and AIDS and Its Metaphors a decade later, which included a revision of many ideas contained in the earlier work.
Further Reading
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Admin - 5 years ago
Dr. Afaf Abdelmoati, translator of Suzan Sontag's Book On Photography comments to readers' discussion 2010.
تعليق الدكتورة عفاف عبد المعطي مترجمة كتاب أبعاد الصورة لسوزان سونتاج على تعليقات القراء
شكرا جزيلا على اتاحة هذه الفرصة لكتاب ابعاد الصورة كي يتم التعليق عليه بهذا الشكل الراقي والاسلوب البديع خاصة التعليق الانجليزى واشكر لحضرتكم اتاحة هذه الفرصة للكتاب وانني اعلم ان الترجمة دائما خلافية لكن على كل حال فترجمة كاتبة في قامة سوزان سونتاج وكذلك كتاب ابعاد الصورة قد اخذ جهدا كبيرا لكن متعته كانت اكثر فضلا عن ىسعادتى البالغة في انه أصبح مرجعا اساسيا لطلبة معهد السينما وكل من يهمتم بالعلاقة بين السينما والصورة
عامة اشكركم مرة اخرى
مع تقديري
Admin - 5 years ago
من ارشيف تعليقات القراء 2010
Name: Ali Tal
"On Photography" is a praiseworthy work by Suzan Sontag as it translated into Arabic by Dr. Afaf Abdelmoaty. Despite the grammatical and transcriptional errors in the text, I found that this series of essays turned into a book to be fairly informative. However, it must be straightaway said that "On Photography" is by no means a piece of unique or major composition on the subject of photographic art. I could safely say that, here in the west, at least a book about photography is published each month and that is not to mention the endless TV programs about the subject. Of course, it goes without saying that photography lends itself extraordinarily well to social and political histories. Nonetheless, The author seemed to miss the fact that the old art of photography is now on a steep decline due to the electronic revolution. The narrative is not only showcases the ebullient gifts of the author but it also demonstrates her exceptional talents in entertaining her readers.
name:Sarah Mortada
Suzan Sontag describes photography in the most profound way possible. but in order to do so she affords us a critique of modern literature and art and dissects modern political and social structures.
name: محمود المرشدي
هذا عمل له أهميته ومن المناسب جدا أن يكون مترجما الى اللغة العربية ولذلك فنشكر الأستاذة عفاف عبد المعطي على هذا العمل الكبير الذي قامت به وأيضا على المقدمة الواعية التي أعدتها للكتاب وإن كنت أتمنى أن تحرص المترجمة مستقبلا على حسن مراجعة النص قبل النشر حتى يصدر للقارئ خال من الأخطاء المطبعية.
name: Khaled Mohamed
سوزان سونتاج تشير الى أن التقاط الصور قد أصبح عادة منتشرة بين الناس، وهو أمر غنى عن التعريف كما تشير الى الفوائد العديدة للتصوير وما وجدته طريفا على سبيل المثال ملاحظاتها أن التصوير أصبح يمثل ما
يشبه بالواجب بالنسبة للسواح، وتفسر ذلك على أنه خاصة فيما يتعلق بجنسيات معينة مثل الألمان والأمريكان واليابانيين المعروفين با��تيادهم على العمل اليومي المكثف فإن التصوير يعد بمثابة تعويض عن ذلك أثناء
الأجازة... وإن كنت أرى في ذلك رؤية بائسة للبشر الذين حتى في عطلاتهم يعجزون عن الاستمتاع.
name: اسماعيل
تبالغ المؤلفة أحيانا حين تصر أن هناك تشابه بين الكاميرا والعضو التناسلي - وأعتقد أنه تقصد العضو التناسلي الذكوري - وهذه مبالغة غير مفهومة الا اذا اخذنا في الاعتبار فكر سوزان سونتاج النسوي المتطرف.
name: محمد عابد
أتفق مع المؤلفة أن السريالية هي تمرد برجوازي ، لذلك فهذه النوعية من الفنون لا يمكن أن تجد صدى لدى القطاعات العريضة من شعوب العالم الثالث.
انا لا اشكك في ان هذا الكتاب مهم مهم مهم لكنه بصراحة ممل ممل ممل أين الاعمال الرومانسية يا بتوع المنتدى؟؟
name: Rita
Susan Sontag puts time and again her inevitable question: is photography an art form?
through her long and winding critique of modern art she reaches the inevitable conclusion
that it must be.
name: شيماء حسن
أن هذا الكتاب الرائع يمثل نقدا عاما للحداثة من منظور تقدمي شعبوي عميق، نشكر المنتدى على خياراته المتميزة والمترجمة عفاف عبد المعطي التي بذلت هذا الجهد الكبير لاتاحة هذا العمل للقارئ العربي.
name: Rachida
This book though profound and well researched is clearly dated. it does not deal with the explosion that has taken place in the field of photography with the invention of the
mobile phone and the internet. I wish she would add a new paragraph.
name: الرايئ
الكتاب سلسلة من الاراء حول الصورة وكيف تلقي الضوء على المجتمع والسياسة والتاريخ وعن الحقيقة الكامنة وراء كل صورة.