Youssef Anwar Wahsh


Date of birth : 06/04/1944

Occupation : owner of Wahsh Engineering co

Education : Bsc Engineering,  Ein Shams university. 1967

Experience: 1967-1973, Engineer in Egyptian television 

1973-1981 senior Engineer in Kuwait television

1981-1983 project Manager at Sony agent in Egypt

1983-1986 senior Sales Engineer at Sony Broadcast for Egypt & Sudan

1986-today : owner of Wahsh Engineering Co.

Activities: Supply of Tv & Radio Equipment and Studios for Media City Egyptian TV , News agencies, Universities and ministry of Education


 1-Swimming, member of GSC masters swimming team for 13 years , won a lot of medals

2-Astronomy,for almost 10 years ,I have telescopes, binoculars ,Cameras ,I did presentations on Astronomy

3- Reading : I read many books in different subjects and have been a member in October Hills book club for 6 years ,we discuss one book each month with the presence of the Author.