Walaa Kamal


Walaa kamal is an Egyptian Writer, Translator, and Copywriter.

Born the in the UK in 1984, where he moved between Europe, Arabian Gulf, and Egypt with his parents, till they settled in Cairo in 2000.

He studied media at Ain Shams University’s Faculty of Arts. Meanwhile he trained and published in Al Ahram Newspaper, carrying his apprenticeship under the late famous journalist Abdel Wahab Motawee.

During his pre-graduation years he worked for different newspapers and TV channels until he settled at the 57357 Hospital, where volunteered at first and then was appointed as a part-timer at the PR and press coverage department.

Upon his graduation in 2006, he joined Arab African International Bank as a marketing and communications executive, again responsible for different marketing and PR tasks, mainly writing all news and marketing material for the bank, it was during this time that his profession as a copywriter had started.

Meanwhile, he completed a two-year professional translation certificate from the American University in Cairo, and then started another two-year diploma for cinema directing and filmmaking at the Academy of technology and Cinema (Studio Galal), one of Egypt’s oldest and most famous studios.

He then embarked on a cinematic career working as an assistant director in a number of TV shows, mainstream and independent films, and TV programs.

In 2010 he co-launched his own advertising agency and copywriting house: Violin and Cello Advertising. Acting as the managing director and chief copywriter, he along his team provided creative services for more than 45 clients over the period of 7 years.

His first Novel (Sokoon “Serenity”) was published in January 2017, a magnum-opus novel that was written over the course of 4 years, and deals with east/west dilemma, sufism, and civilizations’ rise and fall, in addition to philosophical aspects of death, alienation, loss, tyranny, and terrorism.

In 2018 his second novel (Sayed Wel Esaba “Sayed and the Bandits”) was published; a fantasy novel that takes place in the realms of an imaginary world, discussing the themes of purity, loss of innocence, equality, and the eternal battle between good and evil.

In 2019, his most famous book to date was published: “Days with Cairokee”.

DWC is the author’s personal journey with Egypt’s biggest band, and is considered by critics an experimental groundbreaking endeavour, as it takes Cairokee and the lives of its five members as a representative model for a whole generation, dissecting the Egyptian society and the changes and turbulences it went through since the dawn of the new millennium.

“Days with Cairokee” explores various themes and topics, ranging from cross-generation struggles, loss of identity, westernization vs extremism, to artistic and creative challenges, the dynamics of artistic collaborations, the history of independent music in Egypt, the technical aspects of music production and music-making, along a very private and detailed narrative of the band’s private and professional lives from birth till the time of releasing 5th studio Album. It also tackles the issues of identity, morality, and socio-political changes, Egypt’s 2011 revolution and its aftermath, songwriting and music production aspects, in addition to other topics.

Walaa Kamal spent two years with the band, attending over 35 concerts from the backstage area, conducting hundreds of hours of interviews with the band members and their friends, families, and collaborators, in addition to traveling alongside them to both Europe and the MENA Region.

The became an instant success, topping the lists of 2019’s favorite books of both critics and readers alike. The first edition sold-out in only one week, and remains on bestselling lists at various bookstores.

In 2020, his fourth book came out, The Last Mass, which is another self-discovery novel of thoughts, which managed to sell its first 3 editions in less than 3 months.

He continues his creative and fiction writing lectures; helping aspiring writers achieve their dreams of publishing their first book.