Mohammed Mowafi


Mohamed Mowafi  Egypt

Short stories writer and screenwriter

- Was born in Alexandria in 1979

- Holds a BS Mechanical Power Engineering from Alexandria University in 2001

- Accredited as an official dramatic writer from The Radio and Television Union in Alexandria in 1999 and classified as the youngest dramatic writer at that time.

- His dramatic production varied between short and long series, besides the dramatic programs.

- During his student life, he started with writing short stories and plays.

- Participated in many screenwriting, filmmaking workshops.

- Wrote and directed some animation movies that participated and won many awards in several international festivals around the world: France, Spain, Italy, the United States, Iran and Russia.

- E-writes and e-publishes on:

And Short Story Creators Facebook Group

Short Stories:

Time of Expatriation

The Origin of the Night

The Fantasy of Life

Theater Plays:

 Kufr al-Khalaeiq

Your Dream Mr. Ferjani


The Lighthouse

The Wall

Screen scripts:

The Exodus - Short Fiction

Rehana ... The Last Message - Short Fiction

The Session - Short Fiction

The Blue Line - Short Fiction

Companionship - Short Fiction

The Discourse - Short Fiction

The Plot - Short Fiction

The Footprint - Short Fiction

Confession - Short Fiction

White Kohl - A short documentary about the mix of Nubians and Syrian refugees in Alexandria


C For Conflict (2015)

First fingerprint (2016)

The Silent Bee (2017)

The Cold Wire (2018)