Mohamed Aboulghar


Mohamed Aboulghar is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University since 1979 and a Clinical Director of The Egyptian IVF-ET Center in Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian IVF-ET Center is the first center dedicated to treating patients as well as providing high quality research in human reproduction and genetics and training programs for candidates from all over the Middle East on techniques of Assisted Reproduction.

Aboulghar received his medical education in Cairo University and got his MBBCH in 1962. Shortly afterwards, he received his Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1965, then his Diploma in General Surgery in 1966 and finally his Ph.D. degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1969 all from Cairo University. He did post graduate training in Denmark, Sweden, and the United States.

Throughout his career, Aboulghar has been involved in numerous scientific activities worldwide. He participated in dozens of scientific conferences and published more than 200 scientific papers in local and international journals. He participated in the writing of many international scientific books on infertility, and together with his team in the Egyptian IVF center participated in many multicenter international studies.

He founded (and became the first President of) the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), which is the first and largest society in the Middle East in the field of reproduction. He has also been the Editor-in-Chief and founder of the Middle East Fertility Society Journal since 1996. He is a member of numerous scientific committees of different international and regional societies as well as editorial boards of many important scientific journals specialized in fertility and reproduction including Fertility and Sterility, the world’s top journal in its field.

 Aboulghar received the State Nile Award in Science and Advanced Technological Sciences in 2023. He received the Egyptian National Award for Scientific Excellence in 1999. He also received honorary membership of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology in 2004 and honorary membership of the International Federation of Fertility Societies in 2000. Aside from his scientific activities, Aboulghar has wide political, social and cultural interests.
He established, with other university professors, the 9 March Movement for the Independence of Universities during the rule of the late President Mubarak.  He was also among the spokespersons of the National Association of Change. Following the ouster of Mubarak in February 2011, Abul-Ghar was among the founders of the left-liberal Egyptian Social Democratic Party.

Aside from his medical scientific career and political activism, the prominent gynaecologist established himself in recent years as a bestselling non-fiction author with a special interest in the modern history of Egypt, specifically the pre-1952 liberal era.

Among his bestselling books are Amrika wathawret 1919 (The US &1919 Revolution – the elusion of Welson’s principles), by: Mohamed Aboulghar, (Cairo: Dar El-Shorouk), 2019 , Egyptian Jews in the 20th Century, The Egyptian Legion and The Pandemic that Killed 180,000 Egyptians.

He has written hundreds of articles in the Egyptian press and currently has regular columns in some daily and weekly journals. In a very simple and smooth writing style he manages to express deep insight on most current and controversial issues taking place both in Egypt and abroad. He shows genuine passion in art and literature. He is a member of many cultural committees in Egypt and a very keen art collector. He is on the board of trustees of the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development. He has written three published books in Arabic, outside the field of medicine.