Correspondence Address
E-mail: kmfadel@gmail.com
Web : www.drfadel.net
Present Posts
Consultant Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Analyst & Psychodramatist with Special Interest in Business Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Drug Addiction, Preventive Psychiatry, Child, Adolescent & Family Psychiatry, Children with Special Needs, Psychosomatic Medicine& Family Psychiatry, Psychodrama, Identity Confusion, Substance Misuse, Personality Disorder, Depression, PTSD, Relationship Issues.
Visiting Consultant to the Department of Health Abbasseya Hospital: Training all the staff (Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers & Therapists) in areas of Psychodrama & NLP. Running workshops for the drug addicts jointly with nominated staff).
Member of the Committee of Children with Special needs – The childhood & Motherhood Council, Al-Maady. Presented & responsible for “Caring for Carers Project” based on six axes and targeting the population nationwide.
Consultant Editor on Marital, Family & Sexual issues to: “Nesf Addonia – Sout Al-Ummah – AL-Ahram - Al-Wafd - Rosalussef – Tabibak El-Khass & Al-Araby Kuwaiti Magazine).
Consultant & Guest Speaker to a number of TV & Satellite channels: Orbit, ART, Nile TV – dream TV & Egyptian TV.
Private Practice: Clinic 35 El-Obour Building (Al-Borg), Salah Salem Street, Cairo – Tel: 4023366 – Tel. & Fax: 2604009
Recent Past Posts
Chairman & Founder of the the Psychosomatic Clinic for the treatment of Pain, Headaches, Hypertension…etc with Relaxation, Meditation & other non-pharmaceutical methods (South England 1995 – 2000).
Visiting Consultant to The Genetic Centre, 35 Serag Mall, Nasr City, Cairo.For early intervention to Children with Special Needs.
Visiting Consultant, Behman Hospital, Helwan, Cairo (Training staff & treating patients, using variety of therapeutic techniques mainly Psychodrama & NLP).
The Medical & Technical Director of Happy World School, Asshorouq city, (The work included: full assessment, evaluation & therapy to the children & their carers: Pharmacotherapy, Individual Psychotherapy & Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy & psychodrama, training the staff as a group & individuals plus counselling & management to all teachers & supervisors).
Ain-Shams Medical School, Ain-Shams University, Cairo: 1966 - 1973. Basic Medical Degree, (MBBCh).
The Royal College of Psychiatrists (London) : The Post-Graduate Scheme: 1978 – 1983. (MRCPsych).
The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, USA 1988 – 1992. (Fellow – FAPM).
The Continuous Professional Development Scheme (CPD) for Consultants - The Royal College of Psychiatrists (London: 1995 – 2000).
Evidence Based Medicine In Psychiatry Course, Oxford University, UK: 1999
The British Association of Psychopharmacology, Cambridge, UK, (BAP) Certificate in Psychopharmacology (1997 – 2000).
Key Skills
Dr Fadel adopts a wide variety of skills and interventions, which are based on the careful assessment, and individual needs of the client group.
Facilitated clear and efficient communication systems between mental health team and other agencies.
Maintains educational input to team members through the use of workshops, lectures and conferences.
Uses current information technology with considerable effect to enhance clinical practice, record keeping and effective communication.
Dr Fadel’s clinical presentations in the case conferences have been of a very high instructive quality. It is said that he is not only a fine clinical teacher but also a didactic lecturer with lucid expression and elegant teaching aids that he prepares using his own computer skills, and artistic abilities. He has produced a number of very interesting teaching videotapes out of his own clinical material that illustrated psychotherapy, abreaction and interviewing techniques[1].
Maintains high professional standards acting as a good role model for those in the clinical team. He constantly strives to improve my own clinical standards through use of team feedback process.
Dr Fadel uses an innovative practice and promotes the use of new ideas based on rigorous research.
Adopts a user-friendly approach and seeks to involve clients in decision-making process in order to influence service developments.
Takes a holistic view of treatment of individuals suffering psychological & psychosomatic health problems.
His teaching style is highly interactive. He is considered very skilled in multimedia presentation techniques. He was involved in the regular teaching programmes for medical students. He continued research into various aspects of applied psychology, psychiatry & sociology, and has been actively involved the residents in this process thereby giving them valuable research experience, and it is said that he is certainly unique in this regard.[2]
Work Experience
Trained as an Intern at Ain-Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, 1973 – 1974.
Community Medical Officer in the Rural Sector in Upper Egypt, 1974 – 1975.
General Practice, Teaching Hospitals, Benghazi, Libya, 1975 – 1977.
Four years Post Graduate Training in Child, Adolescent & Family Psychiatry, Learning Difficulties, Adult General Psychiatry & Emergencies, University of Galway teaching psychiatric hospitals, IRELAND, 1978 – 1981.
Registrar in Adult General Psychiatry, South West London, 1982
Registrar in Old Age Psychiatry & Addictions, Surrey, South England, 1983 – 1984.
Senior Registrar in Adult General Psychiatry, North Wales & University of Liverpool Hospitals, 1984 – 1986.
Consultant Psychiatrist, General Adult, Child, Adolescent & Family, Forensic & Addictions, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar, Arabian Gulf, 1986 – 1993.
Established the Psychosomatic Clinic for the treatment of Pain, Headaches, Hypertension…etc with Relaxation, Meditation & other non-pharmaceutical methods.
Consultant Psychiatrist, Community Care with Ethnic Minorities, South London, 1994.
Consultant in General Adult Psychiatry, Occupational & Business Psychology at South west England. Granted two discretionary points. Nominated for the National Merit B award. Special interst in Personality Disorder. Develeped a scheme to care for the carers. Major contribution to teaching the public, the undergraduate & the post- graduate medical students:1994 - 2000.
Most Important attended Workshops & Conferences
“Who Teaches The Teacher” - The Royal College of Psychiatrists - London - 1996.
Psychodrama – Oxford University, Oxford, 1983, & Southampton Private Priory group of Hospitals 2000.
Personality & Political Behaviour, Miami, USA The American Psychiatric Association Annual Congress, 1995.
Special training & workshops in Glasgow, Cork & Dublin in Hypnotherapy & Behavioural Modification 1980 – 1985.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in Dublin, Oxford & Edinburgh 1998 – 2000.
I. In The Arab Countries
Two Research Papers on “The Socio-political Aspects of Rural Health in Two Villages in Upper Egypt الأبعاد الاجتماعية والسياسية للخدمات الصحية في الريف المصري (Emareya Sharqeya & Al-Hajj Gandeelالعمارية الشرقية والحاج قنديل).
Published by the Egyptian Ministry of Health 1974. Presented to the National Conference of Rural Health in Dar Al-Hekma, Cairo, April 1975. The late Dr Fouad Mohyi El-Din د.فؤاد محي الدينMinister of Health awarded me the Gold Medal for the best community health work.
The research papers consisted the basis for the documentary film “Doctor in the Countryside طبيب في الأرياف”, produced by the Egyptian National Documentary Film Association and directed byخيري بشارة Khairi Beshara.
The film presented me live at work in a remote deprived area. The documentary film was shown in the commercial cinemas, the cultural centres, TV and took part in number of International Festivals. It won the Catholic Centre of Egypt Award, The Egyptian Film Critique Society Special Award and the International Youth Award in Leipzig in Germany in 1976جائزة المركز الكاثوليكي في القاهرة ـ جائزة النقاد بجمعية الفيلم المصرية ـ جائزة اتحاد الشبيبة العالمي بمهرجان ليبزج الدولي.
“Psychopathology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome among Arab Patients in Qatar”. Presented to the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, New Orleans, USA, November 1988. Published in the “Arab Journal of Psychiatry (1991), Vol. 2 No. 1 Pages 53 - 63”.
“Psychiatric Disorders among Primary School Children in Doha, Qatar”. A comparative Study of Qatari & Non-Qatari Arab Primary School Childrenالاضطرابات النفسية لتلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية في دولة قطر. Presented to the National Conference on Education & Health, Qatar University, April 1992. Published in “ Interdisciplinary Psychological Culture”. A quarterly periodical, Lebanon September 1992.
II. In Europe
"Patients, Providers, Purchasers and Third Party Payers" A paper presented to the Sixth European Conference for Promotion of Mental health, LONDON September 96. This is published as a chapter in (Promotion of Mental Health – Volume 6 – 1996, Edited by: D R. Trent & C A. Reed, Published by Ashgate Publishing Ltd. – Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 92-10714, ISBN 1 85972 652 6) 1997.
Main Co-Researcher on (Developing a Self-Help Guide for People With Borderline Personality Disorder). Main Researcher: Lorraine Bell, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Portsmouth- Piloted by The Maudsley Institute of Psychiatry- to be published by the American Psychiatric Press Autumn 2000.
“The Role of Hypnosis and Behavioural Modification in the Treatment of Alcoholism”. Published in the Irish Medical Times 6th November 1981.
“The Role of Hypnosis and Behavioural Modification in the Treatment of Pain”. Published in “Psychiatry in Practice – London, October 1982”.
“Self–Mutilation” Published in “Psychiatry in Practice – London, October 1983”.
“How to Overcome Anxiety and Regain Self-Confidence”, A Cassette Tape & Text, Special publication, Liverpool, 1984.
III. Books Published in Arabic
“How To enjoy Stress, Benghazi, Libya, The National Publishing Company”, 1977 أعصابك بين التوتر وكيفية تهدئتها ـ الهيئة العامة للنشر والتوزيع ـ ليبيا.
“When The Birds Travel To an Eternal World”, Short Stories, The General Association of Book – Culture Ministry, Cairo, 1986
الطير يهاجر إلى كون سرمدي ـ قصص قصيرة ـ الهيئة العامة للكتاب ـ مصر.
“ Family Mental Health”, Saudi Dar for Publishing and Distributing. الصحة النفسية للأسرة ـ الدار السعودية للنشر والتوزيع ـ جدة.
“How to Overcome Tension”, A Book and Cassette, The Egyptian Dar for Publishing and Distributing, Cyprus, 1988. كيف تتغلب على التوتر ـ كتاب وكاسيت ـ الدار المصرية للنشر والتوزيع ـ قبرص/القاهرة.
“How to Stop Smoking”, A Book and Cassette, The Egyptian Dar for Publishing and Distributing, Cyprus, 1988. كيف تتوقف عن التدخين ـ كتاب وكاسيت ـ الدار المصرية للنشر والتوزيع ـ قبرص/القاهرة.
“How To Improve Your Memory and Learn Exam Skills”, A Book and Cassette, The Egyptian Dar for Publishing and Distributing, Cyprus, 1989. كيف تقوي ذاكرتك وتجتاز الاختبار ـ كتاب وكاسيت ـ الدار المصرية للنشر والتوزيع ـ قبرص/القاهرة.
“Psychology of Political Terrorism”, Private Publishing, 1990, Cairo, Egypt. Widely distributed in all Arab countries, Europe & USA. Taught in some Arab countries. Heavily reviewed in the Arab Press Abroad and in the Middle East سيكولوجية الإرهاب السياسي ـ إصدار خاص ـ القاهرة ـ 1991.
“All You Need To Know about Epilepsy”, The Arab Dar, Doha, Qatar, 1991. كل ما يجب أن تعرفه عن الصرع ـ الدار العربية للنشر ـ الدوحة.
“The Girl and the Seagull”, Short Stories, Cairo, 1992. البنت والنورس ـ قصص قصيرة ـ إصدار خاص.
“Psychosexual Dysfunctions in Males & Females”- Al-Hilal Publishing Co. April 200 – Cairo – Egypt.
الاضطراب الجنسي ـ الأبعاد النفسيية للرجل والمرأة ـ دار الهلال ـ أبريل 2000
"Scenes from the Psychiatrists Chair" – The Egyptian Book General Association – August 2003 (Case Histories written in a docudrama way).
مشاهد من على كرسي الطبيب النفسي ـ الهيئة العامة للكتاب ـ مكتبة الأسرة ـ القاهرة ـ أغسطس 2003.
IV. Work in Progress
“Tensions of Body & Mind”, Book in Arabic simplifying, demystifying and exploring Psychosomatic Disorders. توترات النفس والجسد.
“Cinema, Psychology & Madness”, Book in Arabic. السينما والسياسة والجنون
“Origins of Political Violence”, Book in Arabic. أصول العنف السياسي
“A Half of an Old Song”, Short Stories in Arabic.نصف الأغنية القديمة ـ قصص قصيرة.
“The Old Doors”, A Novel in Arabic. الأبواب القديمة ـ رواية
“Butterflies on the Borders” Case Histories Book in English
V. Conference Presentations (unpublished)
“Psychiatric Aspect of Intensive Care Units in Hamad Hospital (Doha Main General Hospital”. Presented to the “The First Gulf Conference On Intensive Care Medicine, Doha, Qatar, January 15 – 17, 1991.
“Stress and Stress Management among Workers in the Oil Industry”. Presented to the Qatar Oil Company, The Falcon Club, Doha 1990 & to the QAPCO the Petro-Chemical French Company Umm-Saeed, Qatar 1991.
“Nine Images of an Arab Girl-Integrated Art Therapy in the Treatment of Schizophrenia”. A paper presented to The 12th International Symposium on the Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia,12-16 October1997-Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre London.
“Prescribing Habits of Psychiatrists” to the Summer Meeting of the British Association of Psychopharmacology July 1999 – Harrogate.
“Psychosis or Soothing Erotic Fantasies”, presented to the European
Conference on (Psychological Treatment of Psychosis – Essex University September 1999).
“The Politics and Economics of Assertive Community Care in
Severe Borderline Patients”. Presented to the III European Congress on Personality Disorder, Sheffield, 15 – 17 April 1998.
VI. Lectures & Seminars in Arabic
“Psychology of Political Terrorism”. A lecture and discussion organised by the Arab Club in Britain, Al-Kufa Gallery, 15th May 1996. سيكولوجية العنف السياسي ـ النادي العربي في بريطانيا - قاعة الكوفة – لندن.
“Psychology, Politics & Madness”. A lecture and discussion organised by the Arab Club in Britain, Al-Kufa Gallery, June1997. السينما والسياسة والجنون ـ النادي العربي في بريطانيا - قاعة الكوفة – لندن.
“The Arab Moslem Youth and the Dilemma of Identity & Immigration” Dar El-Islam London, March 1997. الشباب العربي المسلم وتحديات المهجر ـ دار الإسلام ـ لندن.
“Personality Disorder & Political Violence: Saddam Hussein as an example”. Dar El-Islam London, April 1998.اضطراب الشخصية والعنف السياسي ، صدام حسين نموذجا ـ دار الإسلام ـ لندن.
Teaching Experience
Teaching Clinical Psychiatry & Psychology to nurses, tutors, post graduate & undergraduate medical students in North & South England 1982 – 1986 & 1994 – 2000.
Teaching postgraduates at Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha Qatar. This was within the curriculum of the Arab Board of Psychiatry 1993. (Dr. Fadel participated in our Arab Board Training Programme, in the absence of qualified clinical psychologists; he coped very well with the teaching of general and clinical psychology to programme-level-l residents. In addition he gave a number of mental health lectures in several institutions including Qatar University and the industrial sector).[3]
The West Sussex District Consultant & Educational Supervisor (Tutor) for Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy to The Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Described as a lecturer with an enthusiastic and open-minded approach both refreshing and inspiring[4].
Active contributions to post graduate teaching through clinical presentations and workshops, using techniques such as role-play and reverse role-play. Using patients or users as teachers in workshops with trainees who are preparing for the MRCPsych.
(Dr. Fadel has made a substantial contribution to training and education in the Trust. He organises regular seminars on various aspects of applied psychology).[5]
Research paper on “ The Psycho-social Dimension of Burn Accidents in Benghazi Hospitals, 1975 – 1977”.
Main Co-Researcher on (Developing a Self-Help Guide for People With Borderline Personality Disorder). Main Researcher: Lorraine Bell, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Portsmouth- Piloted by The Maudsley Institute of Psychiatry- to be published by the American Psychiatric Press Autumn 2000.
Team Audit on “ The Social, Psychological and Other factors of Atypical Antipsychotics”, July 1997, The Bedale Bognor Mental Health Centre, Bognor Regis, West Sussex.
Honours and Distinctions
Honour Award in the Arabic Language, Al-Fayoum, Egypt, 1966.
The Gold Medal Award for Rural Medical Community Care in Upper Egypt, 1975.
The Catholic Centre of Egypt award for the work documented in the short film “Doctor in The Countryside”, 1976.
Two discretionary points (Sussex Weald & Downs- NHS Trust), for the significant contribution in psychiatry – 1998.
Arabic (Native Mother Tongue).
English (Excellent & fluent: Spoken & written).
Professional Societies & Associations
The International Society of Transcultural Psychology.
The International Society of Stress Management.
The International Association for the Study of Pain.
The International College of Psychosomatic Medicine.
The Irish Society of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, (Elected President to the Connought Branch 1980).
The British Society of Medical & Dental Hypnosis.
The British Film Institute.
The Arab Psychiatric Association.
مركز الدراسات النفسية - لبنان The Lebanese Centre of Psychological Studies.(On the Editorial Advisory Board of its periodical – Al-Thaqafa Annafseyya الثقافة النفسية).
The Arab Club in Britain.
Simplifying Science & Public Education
Demystifying psychology, psychiatry and medicine.
Blending and mixing every day life experiences with politics and psychology.
Use of TV, Satellite Channels, Tabloid and the special press with wide range of subjects related to psychosocial problems of identity, addiction, marital tensions, childhood difficulties and middle age crisis.
Prepared & presented 13 hourly episodes in Qatar TV: “Life & Medicine”-Jan. – April 1992. الحياة والطب ـ تلفزيون قطر..
Wrote & prepared 13 hourly episodes in Qatar TV: “Your Children’s World”. Discussed in details issues of education, parenting and behaviour with top experts. (March – June 1993). طفلك عالم خاص ـ تلفزيون قطر.
“The Patient & the Hospital”, 10 half hourly episodes. Prepared & presented through Qatar TV. (April – June 1992).المريض والمستشفى
Appeared & talked as a guest speaker in ART, Egypt Satellite Channel, BBC Arabic service (TV & Radio), Al-Manar TV, MBC (FM & Satellite TV).
Wrote in leading Arab Magazines & newspapers: Rosa-Alyoussef – Sabah Al-Kheir – Al-Ahram daily – Addastour – Al-Kahira – Sotour – Al-Fann Assabei (Specialised Cinema Magazine): Cairo. Al-Arabi & Al-Yaqaza-Kuwait. ( Al-Hayat – AssharAlawsat- Sayidaty -Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Al-Arab, Al-Urwa, Al-Hawadess – London. Al-anwar, AlThaqafa Annafsseya – Lebanon. Arreyadha Wa Ashabab, Al-Khaleej – UAE.
Relevant Computer Experience
Windows 98 & 2000 & XP - Microsoft office 98 & 2000 , NT & XP.
Corel Draw 8 - Photoshop 7
Studio MP10 Multimedia, CD Rom & Digital Video Editing.
Digital photography & photo editing & enhancing.
Professional Service and Volunteer Work
Established the Borderline Carers Group in 1999.
Took active part in the Manic Depressive Fellowship, The National Schizophrenia Support Groups & Lupus Support Society.
Played an active voluntary work with victims of torture in the Middle East.
[1] Professor M. Fakhr El‑Islam FRCP FRCPsych, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist
[2] Dr. Al Amaladoss, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry and Clinical Tutor
[3] Professor M. Fakhr El‑Islam FRCP FRCPsych - Senior Consultant Psychiatrist
[4] Stephen Tee, manager of Community Mental Health Centre (The Bedale) .
[5] Dr. Al Amaladoss, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry and Clinical Tutor
Khalil Fadel
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