الأديب: رؤية ومسيرة ... حوار مع سامية محرز عبر زووم
المكان: اونلاين عبر تطبيق زووم
التوقيت: ديسمبر 18, 2021
تمت هذه الحلقة يوم السبت 18 ديسمبر 2021 في تمام السابعة مساء بتوقيت القاهرة. تستطيع مشاهدتها كاملة هنا
يقدم المنتدى هذه السلسلة من الحوارات مع الكتاب العرب والعالميين، التي تهدف إلى استكشاف فكر الأدباء، وآليات العملية الإبداعية ودوافعها، وبطبيعة الحال المنتج النهائي. ويسعى المنتدى من خلال هذه السلسلة إلى إلقاء الضوء على القيم والتجارب المشتركة بين الكتاب والقراء في أنحاء العالم دون إغفال الخصوصيات الشخصية والثقافية.
ويسعدنا أن نستضيف الأستاذة الدكتورة سامية محرز في الحوار القادم.
سامية محرز أستاذ الأدب العربي بالجامعة الأمريكية منذ 1992 ومديرة مركز دراسات الترجمة بالجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة منذ 2009، نشر لها كتابات كثيرة حول الترجمة والأدب العربي المعاصر ودراسات ما بعد الاستعمار ومختلف المواضيع الثقافية، كما حصلت على العديد من الجوائز التقديرية ويعتبر كتاب "ابراهيم ناجي زيارة حميمة تأخرت كثيرا" آحدث إصداراتها.
يدير اللقاء الذي يتم من خلال تطبيق "زوم" الروائي المصري محمد توفيق.
ستتم الندوة باللغة الإنجليزية، مع إمكانية أن يطرح المشاركون التعليقات والأسئلة بالعربية.
تجد معلومات إضافية عن سامية محرز هنا.
اضغط هنا للتسجيل للمشاركة.
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Admin - منذ 3 سنوات
Chat messages and questions received during our conversation with Samia Mehrez
19:39:28 From Sylvia Petter to Everyone:
where is the anthology available?
19:40:11 From Samia Mehrez to Everyone:
Al Kutub Khan, Maadi, Cairo
19:43:09 From Amani Amin to Everyone:
this is one online link to buy from overseas
19:45:27 From Amani Amin to Everyone:
this is the publisher facebook page, maybe they can ship to Europe
19:47:34 From Sylvia Petter to Everyone:
thank you.
20:09:35 From Wallis’ iPad to Everyone:
Really stimulating discussion. Translation issues inspiring and then your narration of your memoir. I’m frustrated because I must leave now before we join the discussion. Lots to think about. Thank you.
20:11:06 From Amani Amin to Everyone:
Thank you Wallis. Was lovely that you could join us given your commitments
20:16:52 From dlnel to Everyone:
You are bilingual. Do you find writing in different languages requires different energy and thought processes?
20:17:49 From Karen Leggett Abouraya to Everyone:
Perhaps Mr Combs would like to elaborate on this from his point of view…
20:18:38 From Vivian to Everyone:
Hello Dr. Samia. You say that this book is the first you ever wrote in Arabic. Obviously, it is only logical to write this in Arabic. Beforehand, did you make a conscious decision to write in English or was it a result of your education and training and teaching at AUC. In other words, how does a writer decide to address his work to the English speaking community and thus the global community and or to his/her own local community?
20:26:56 From Safinaz Saad to Everyone:
I would like to get back to the question on Egyptian women writers, as it is the focus of my current research. If you would situate the works by Latifa alZayyat and Radwa Ashour, how would you do so? would you see Ashour's oeuvre a continuation of alZayyat's or how would you see it? I would be interested to know your thoughts
20:27:40 From FAHAD ALNOURI to Everyone:
Thank you very much.
20:28:56 From Safinaz Saad to Everyone:
thank you very much.
20:32:35 From Amira Abou-Taleb to Everyone:
YES, Alexandria would be great!
20:36:35 From Amani Amin to Everyone:
The video of this meeting will be available in a couple of days on our channel here
20:36:43 From Vivian to Everyone:
Thank you. So we have Covid to thank for an Arabic book that the Egyptian and Arab world can enjoy.
20:36:59 From Nahla Hanno to Everyone:
Thank you
20:37:46 From Amira Abou-Taleb to Everyone:
Thank you Samia, engaging as always!
20:37:47 From Karen Leggett Abouraya to Everyone:
Thank you very much, to Dr Mehrez and our hosts today!
20:37:56 From Osama Madany to Everyone:
Thank you everyone for organizing the event
20:38:16 From Abreu Combs to Everyone:
thank you.. great discussion.