Thebes and Avaris A novel from Ancient Egypt
In his novel “Thebes and Avaris,” the well-known Egyptian archaeologist, Egyptologist and novelist, Hussein Bassir tackles with a different and exciting vision an important period in the history of ancient Egypt. The events of the novel revolve around King Ahmose I, the conqueror of the Hyksos. Through ten stories, and in a handsome manner that blends both the literary and scientific styles, we know the story of the Hyksos’ occupation of the northern and middle parts of the land of Egypt. Within the novel, Hussein Bassir highlights the latest scientific research and archaeological discoveries related to that exciting period in the history of ancient Egypt, and introduces us to its most distinguished and important heroic personalities, from the beginning until the liberation of Egypt, on the hands of the Great King Ahmose I, from the ordeal of the Hyksos occupation. The novelist concludes his novel by shedding light on the memory of King Ahmose I, the conqueror of the Hyksos, in the minds of the Egyptians.
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