The Songs of the last Troubador
TALEEN, THE MAGICAL GIFT The star, bright, glittering, led the Magi To the humble manger To witness, and testify to, The miracle of the birth Of a child Who was destined to change the world, Performing miracles, Teaching people wisdom, love and faith
Kamal Abu-Deeb is Emeritus Professor (Chair) of Arabic in the University of London. In addition to many books on literature and literary criticism, in English and Arabic, he has published five volumes of poetry, which include the highly celebrated, 'Adhabat al-Mutanabbi fi Suhbat Kamal Abu-Deeb wa al-'Aks bi al-'Aks, published by Dar al-Saqi, London & Beirut, in 1996; Symphoniyyat Surya, 2016, and Mu’allaqat al-Addad, 2021, both published by Dar Fada’at, Amman. His latest book is a complex play within a play, Arba’at Wujuh li Godot wa Wajhan li Elda, Dar Fada’at, Amman, 2022. In 2016 he won The Sultan al- ‘Owais prize, the most prestigious prize for literary criticism and the study of literature in the Arab world. In England He won two consecutive Leverhulme awards, a major research scholarship for three years and a major fellowship for three years
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