Tales of the Secret City
The novel is speaking about the archeologist Fhd, who spent his childhood at the oasis and was taught archeology by Aschraf Azaam. He met Habeba, an American lady with Egyptian roots, who possessed a map left to her by her grandfather. He discovered symbols which denoted that AbdelRahman, the grandpa of Habeba, wrote messages for his offspring on the walls of the oasis caves. But that wasn't all. What Fhd didn't state to Habeba is that the map denoted also the presence of a secret city near the oasis. Through the sequence of events, he was able to reach that city, where he met people coming from different cultures, who narrated for him their tales, revealing the unity between mankind, yet Fhd started to search for an exit as he felt that the city was beyond him. Everyone was narrating his story, but he couldn't do the same. He wanted to keep his pains and secrets within his heart, so would he find an exit? The answer is inside.
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