Secret of Pharaohs and Astronomy
The book is divided into two sections. First one explains in brief how Great pyramid was "really" built", relying on a simple well-known mathematical equation, and some historical facts. The book proves that King Khufu needed about 25 billions of horsepower to build his pyramid. Egyptologists say that Khufu built his pyramid using people to drive up stones on high long ramps. However, this simple calculation proves definitely that it is impossible to build this vast pyramid using manpower! It is explained how King Khufu used "Inundation Power", which is the vast hydraulic power of flood waters, to raise up this immense mass of stones using "simple" techniques. Second part of the book explains author's discovery of, "Zero Point", or "Origin Point", for calculating historical dating in History. He explained how he deduced it depending on the historical dating correction made by Pope Gregory 13th of Rome in year 1584 AD when he dropped 10 days of calendar to equate lunar timing "higri" with solar timing. In addition, he explained some facts about lunar and solar eclipses and some facts about astrology.
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