Art's paradigm Theory and Practice
We all know:
-Art is a product of a highly creative mind. It includes the creation
of images or objects in fields including painting, sculpture,
printmaking, photography, and other visual arts.
Art is one of the most important means ofexpression developed
by human beings.
-Art is manifested in every aspect of life.
Artists have always shown a deep concern about life around them.
Many of them have recorded in paintings their observation of
people going about their usual ways, performingtheir usual
This book could not have been written without the generosity of many
personnes who opened their studio`s doors, and their art`s lives to me. I
want to express heart appreciation to everyone. Italk to artists and
observed their interaction, I was deeply impressed and moved by art
work, dedication, and spirit of those who trusted me with their own art`s
stories and conversations. My greatest debt is to all of them. Many
generous colleagues and friends read drafts of the manuscript and offered
comments. For their time, attention, and wisdom I am grateful.
My art`s studio students are always a source of inspiration as I work
out the ideas, I am writing about. The students in English department, in
my workshop in some seminars: art and body hosted by university Molay
Sliman in Beni Mellal before the Covid 19 pandemic were especially
helpful: Riyad Hamid …Many peoples offered examples or helped me
see new perspectives informal interviews, casual conversation, or in
solicited letters. I can not possibly name everyone who has contributed to
my understanding in these and other ways, but some I can name and
listed her. I group them together, I know that eachonemade a unique
contribution, from whichI earnestlyoffer my thanks:Maria Marsise
from Como in Itly : Zoom on art magazine,AllessioMusella director
art landmagazine ,Alessio Musella/Website creation….magazinefrom Italy,Doc Saida Jouahri Tissouli, Doc Saidi
Redouan, Doc Abderrahim Naim from Morocco Steve Bard from long
Island in New York, Napoleon Revers Bye from , New York, Margarita
Espada and Segundo Orlleana : StudioMargSeg in New York, The staff
of Gallery Theater Yearbabruja in New York …Sayed Rubowner of
MahiMonu Museum in Bangladesh , Doc Shamayla Rajan and her
friend Sandra bruce in Washingtonand all her family in Chicago. Paule
fashiano in gallery Allegriain Public library Allegria in New York, all
the staff of Hauppauge library in new York … RyuIlson in China and
his staff in Qingdao and in Korea …..Mohamed Waris owner gallery
Oyster inLahore in Pakistan …allmy artist friend in Ecuador and
Colombia and Venezuela …Marta Jalil andMaria Fernand Jalil in
4Some of my search`s art for this book was done when I was working
in MargSeg studio,when I curated some groupexhibitions in
Yearbabruja gallery in Carleton AVE, andin Art connection gallery in
sun rise in new York and in some galleries in many publics libraries
in new York and Washington…..writing some criticalart`s articles for
somemagazines: artland magazine and Anthologymagazine and in
some art`s webs.
My family is continuing a source of inspiration and of strength, she
offered invaluable comments; both her comments and enjoyment were of
great value to me.
My children and my husband Sbira bouchta Nourddine, hadbeen a
companionsand supportersin every ways. I was redundant to dedicate
book after book to them. Myhusband isone who has accompanied me
on each art exhibition in every party of the world and in every moment in
my life, during our 33 years of marriage until now …. I dedicate this
book to his parents in their tombs forhavinghelped make their son who
he isnow.
To the memory of my dear father and dearmother whoI just lost
her recently in 13-11-2021…
Khira jalil. BeniMellal .2014-2022
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