مقالات بقلم واليس وايلد مينوزي

A Selection of Poems by Wallis Wilde-Menozzi
A Selection of Poems by Wallis Wilde-Menozzi
بقلم: واليس وايلد مينوزي في: الأحد 24 إبريل 2022 - التصنيف: شعر

Red Foxes near Cogne More sinuous than the icy water foaming below, the holly-pawed fox gazed at us like a planet with hungry eyes. Snow danced in its tail. Its red mate appeared. Bare o...

Memoir and Memory
Memoir and Memory
Cross-cultural stories
بقلم: واليس وايلد مينوزي في: السبت 16 إبريل 2022 - التصنيف: مقتطفات

First published in the Southwest Review Even before all the people have found seats, a knifing cry rasps out. “How can you forget hate? How can you write without hate?” The young woman...