صلاح الدين البستاني


Saladin Youssef Boustany
Egyptian publisher and writer, Paul Harris fellow, 1978.
Member of Rotary International.
Born on April 7, 1927 in Cairo. Son of Cheikh Youssef T. and Victoria Boustany.
Education Master of Arts, American University Cairo, 1951.
Career Journalist al-Muqattam, Cairo, since 1947, Al-Ahram, Cairo, Le Journal d'Egypte, Cairo, al-Zaman, Cairo, 1954.
With public Boustany's Public House, Cairo, since 1951.
Importer/exporter of books.
Agent to the Library. of Congress, Cairo, since 1960, Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale, Cairo.
Author of :
The Press During the French Expedition in Egypt 1798-1801.
Proverbs from East and West.
The Wall of Shame in Berlin
The Journals of Bonaparte in Egypt, 10 vols., 1798-1801
Bonaparte's Egypt in Picture and Word 1798-1801
Canal Zone Suez Battle, 1951-1952
The Secret British Military Press of the Canal Zone Battle, 1951.

Pan Islamism: al' Urwat al-Wuthqa of Gamal al-Din al-Afghani and Muhammad 'Abduh
Alf Kalimah-Imam Ali Ibn Ali Talib.