Ossama Alsaadawi


In the field of Egyptology and Hieroglyphs, Ossama Ahmad Ismail Alsaadawi, better known as Ossama Alsaadawi, is an internationally well -known Egyptian researcher and author.

His recent discoveries could revolutionize Egyptology. His findings challenge most of settled facts about Ancient Egyptian civilization. In fact, Alsaadawi's Theory of True Hieroglyphs is a real historical break-through in the field of Egyptology and Ancient Languages.

He has published 7 books, five of them about True Hieroglyphs. Most of them are multilingual (Arabic, English and Hieroglyphic)

Alsaadawi has received Medal of Honor from Egyptian National Association for Engineers. He is a member of Who's Who and Author's Home, Arab World Books.

Education Attainment:

Ph.D., Radar Sciences: Extraction of Signals from Noise, M.Sc. Engineering at the field of video receivers. Graduate, B.SC, Electrical Engineering at the field of communications and radar, Military Technical College, with general merits "Excellent".

Ex - Military Occupation:
Professor of Radar Sciences, Brigadier Gen., Dr. Eng., Chief Manager Of Researches And Development Department at Egyptian Air Defense College.

Ossama Alsaadawi passed away in October 2010.