What I remember about Paris

We were stupid,my friend and I
to have imagined that we could
take a one day tour of Paris,
to think that the city known for its
fashion, food and art
could be enjoyed in a morning and a night

The city’s women wore colors,
not necessarily ones that matched.
Blue, purple, green and orange.
It was November but many had on open toe
high heels, mingled with sleeveless shirts
and cashmere scarves.

The Eiffel Tower was around the corner
from where our tour bus stopped.
We took a few pictures there,
ate an over priced lunch at a local restaurant,
were treated very nicely by the Parisians,
couldn’t understand why
since we are Americans
and were known to be hated there

On the train ride back to London,
we realized the secret to why
we were treated so decently.
The French were smart enough
to tell from the texture of our
hair and the color of our skin
that we were, by blood,
Semitic or Mediterranean.
Race – sometimes it works for you
and you get served ice cream.
Other times, it works against you
and a death sentence is delivered to your door

We were stupid,my friend and I to have imagined that we could take a one day tour of Paris, to think that the city known for its fashion, food and art could be enjoyed in a morning and a night The city’s women wore colors, not necessarily ones that matched. Blue, purple, green and orange. It was November but many had on open toe high heels, mingled with sleeveless shirts and cashmere scarves. The Eiffel Tower was around the corner from where our tour bus stopped. We took a few pictures there, ate an over priced lunch at a local restaurant, were treated very nicely by the Parisians, couldn’t understand why since we are Americans and were known to be hated there On the train ride back to London, we realized the secret to why we were treated so decently. The French were smart enough to tell from the texture of our hair and the color of our skin that we were, by blood, Semitic or Mediterranean. Race – sometimes it works for you and you get served ice cream. Other times, it works against you and a death sentence is delivered to your door